Då uppdaterar MAC sin mineral foundation och släpper (8:de februari) en ny formula tillsammans med en ny mineral concealer som båda kommer att stanna i det permanenta sortimentet. Tillsammans med duo fiber borsten #188 skapar de tre sakerna en perfekt grund för övrig makeup.
"Look what´s happening in mineralize! Our outstandingly popular MAC foundation/loose gets a new look and with the 188 duo fibre brush sets out to create it´s famous naturally radiant finish. For those who have a spot, a blemish, a dark circle to hide, there´s new mineralize concealer. Goes on smoothly, discreetly, with a touch of moisture. Shade palettes go from light to dark. Formulas meet the needs of all ages, all races, all sexes. You´ll find these two are a great match."

Mineralize Fondation/Loose (DKK 270, SEK 310, NOK 280): Extra Light - Dark Deep
Mineralize Concealer (DKK 150, SEK 180, NOK 160): NC15 - NC50, NW15 - NW 50
Brush (DKK 290, SEK 355, NOK 305): #188 Small duo fibre face brush
En bra foundation läggerp grunden till ett lyckat resultat!